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COVID Guidelines

For In Person Worship


Attending in-person worship services will carry some risk as long as COVID-19 is active in our community. We have done everything we can to mitigate the risk, however, most of the responsibility will fall on you to follow the guidelines below. Our time at the church will look and feel much different until we become accustomed to a new way of being in church until this crisis has passed.  It is our prayer that COVID-19 will be over sooner rather than later, so that our time at the church will be more normal.

The staff and lay leadership of the congregation understand that these guidelines may feel a little restrictive. Everything we have put into place is for your safety and the safety of your fellow worshipers. Protect yourself and others by following these guidelines. Even if you feel there is little risk involved others may not feel that way. Therefore, out of respect for those attending services you will be expected to follow the guidelines below.

The building has had a thorough cleaning while we have been away. The building will be sanitized after each service.

We encourage anyone in the at-risk categories to continue to worship online. However, you must decide what level of risk you are willing to take. Our entire service will be streamed live at 11:00am on Sundays and be on our YouTube channel for viewing at a later time.

Entering and Exiting the building. 

  • Wear a mask at all times.

  • Those attending Sunday School must enter through the side doors.

  • Your temperature will be checked before entering the building. If your temperature is more than 100.4 you will be asked to not come in the building.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter and exit the building.

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